Your Guide To Making Fast World of Warcraft Gold

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You have chanced upon the Marcus Ty Blog, a site dedicated to helping you make easy World of Warcraft Gold.

This is the complimentary site to where you can find my Gold Making Guide, which is free to subscribers.


Saturday 27 June 2009

A Mysterious Egg

The goblin trading principle of 'Hard to Find' states that if something is hard to find or difficult to attain, it will fetch much gold in the World of Warcraft. This fact was made clear to me one day in Dalaran.

I was hanging out at the Hero's Welcome (the Alliance Tavern in Dalaran) waiting for the Wintergrasp timer to tick down with a few mates when this goblin walks up from the sewers holding something mysterious. Without any introduction he walks right up and says "Have I got a deal for you!"

Now there's a few things that can to be said about goblins. One is they are very sharp traders and the other is that they don't take no for an answer. So it was the sucker in me that said "what's that your holding?"

"It's a mystery", said the goblin.
"Looks like an egg?"
"It's a Mysterious Egg!", said the goblin.
"Will it allow me to feed my group when on a raid?", I asked.
"That would be a Small Feast."
"Can I use it for a Monster Omelete?"
"No, no that would be a Giant Egg!", sighed the goblin.
"I give in"
"You keep it warm for 7 days and it hatches into a little pet".
"That great! What kind of pet?"
"That's the mystery."
I eyed my new, smelly little friend with suspicion.
"No really," explained the goblin, "no one knows until it hatches."
"OK, I'll take two."
"No can do, Amigo - it's soulbound. But I'll sell you the pet when it hatches which is BoE."
I said the goblin magic words: "How much?"
"For you, Friend, cos I like you, 200 Gold"
"By the Titans of Ulduar, are you off your trolley?"
"Listen, Friend," shouted the goblin, "you have no idea how hard it is to get these eggs!"
I admit, I didn't, but knew he was going to tell me.
"You have to first befriend a funny looking group of Murlocs in the Sholazar Basin; then fight ferocious, furry puppy dogs; and finally kick the butt of a really hard dude hanging out in cave until you are revered. Only then will these guys sell you an egg."
I was impressed. " Sounds like a steal."
"Sold to the Mage with the funny haircut!"

By grinding repution to at least Revered with the Oracles will give you access to their Mysterious Egg. Hatch the pet and sell it for much gold on the Auction House

Follow me on Twitter to learn of the pets that hatch!

Happy Hatching!
Marcus Ty

Friday 19 June 2009

Gold Farming With Fishing

Call me strange, but I've always enjoyed fishing in the World or Warcraft and especially in WOTLK.

And fishing has changed recently with the latest patch release, in case you haven't noticed?

I was propping up the bar at the Pig & Whistle (Stormwind), hanging out with my mates the Elves, when this Dwarf storms in looking all flustered and a might upset. In his hand he held the biggest fishing pole I'd ever seen.

"Blimey", I said, "that's a big en."

"No", said the Dwarf, "its called Big Iron."

The trouble with Dwarfs - now don't get me started - but they're not the most patient of types to - well fish! So I was a tad surprised to see this one armed with a fishing pole.

"So, Friend, what did you catch?"

The Dwarf fixed me with a steely glare. "I'm not fishing, you clown. I'm off to auction this Big Iron! But curse the sea Titans if they haven't nerfed my favorite fishing item!"

A collective gasp echoed around the tavern - which is no mean feat when it's full of drunken Elves.

"You don't mean Nat Pagle's been nerfed?" I nearly fainted.

"No, you idiot, Old Man Heming - Booty Bay"

Someone started yelling " OLD MAN HEMING'S BEEN NERFED!"

"No you bunch of morons. His book, his book - THE BASS AND YOU!"

I cursed - "Oh crumbs!"

"Call that a curse", said the Dwarf, "you've been hanging out with the Elves for far too long, Marcus Ty."

But he was right. No, not about the curse, but about Old Man Heming. You could always buy his book for 1g and sell it at auction for 3-5g. Easy money - if you knew where to find the book. And in World of Warcraft, some things are always hard to find.

Talking of which I meant to ask the Dwarf how he came by his 'Big Iron', but he had gone.

Follow me on Twitter to find out.

Cheers Marcus